
Symptoms of Mastitis
  • Since mastitis is qualified by infection, there may be pain followed by redness and swelling of the breast. A woman may ab initio feel tenderness in the breast along with a sudden increment in its temperature. Some of the other symptoms of mastitis are fatigue, engorgement or enlargement of the breast, aches in various parts of the body and a common malaise, chills and fever, and finally uncontrollable shaking of the body especially at night .
  • Sometimes, an abscess may form in the breast, causing tortuousnesses in the infection. There may be formations of non cancerous benign masses on the breast too. These are clear denotations of mastitis. You may also get tender lumps in the breast along with the comportment of pus in the nipple area. If the symptoms persist for more than 48 hours, a doctor should be consulted.
Causes of Mastitis
  • There are many movements of mastitis, however, the great cause is bacteria. If the baby’s mouth is infected by bacteria and there is a cut, crack, or a lesion on the breast, bacteria can get transferred into the woman’s breast and into the milk ducts, causing pain and excitement.
Home Remedies for Mastitis
  • A spontaneous remedy for mastitis is usually preferred when it comes to infection and injury of the breast tissue. Lactating mothers who are prone to endure from the condition generally shy away from using antibiotics or strong prescription drug medicines for fear of harming their babies. It is consequently imperative to remain aware of the condition and take adequate measures by adopting the right mastitis natural remedy for reversing the infection.
Diet for Mastitis
  • There is no great diet for mastitis. However, since mastitis is caused due to bacterial infection, a typical diet for mastitis is one which boosts your immunity. Fruits and vegetables are great for building your immunity. An increased intake of vitamins A, C, B, and E can help you fight infections better.
  • Cranberry juice is considered excellent to fight off bacterial infections. Cranberry juice is a natural disinfectant, which can help the body kill of unwanted bacteria. Probiotic foods can also help raise immunity.

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