
Symptoms of Phlegm

  • Phlegm has a gelatin like consistence and its bearing is normally suggested by the straight need for throat clearing, difficulty breathing usually (shortness of breath), constant cough, which in turn may lead to muscle weakening and discomfort, runny nose, and in some cases it might even lead to a fever. The main reason for these symptoms is that in the case of a respiratory infection, the causative bacteria or virus is present in the phlegm. The excessive phlegm acts as an irritant and as the individual coughs, the phlegm is expelled along with the pathogens and this reduces the strain on the individual’s immune system. The color of the expelled phlegm along with following symptoms can help a doctor make an straight diagnosis.
Causes of Phlegm
  • Many of us may wonder what the exact causes of phlegm in throat are, often considering it to be an fundamental trouble of a deeper cause. However, phlegm is always present in the body and only becomes a touch when there is an overproduction of it. Mucus, which is a form of phlegm, helps protect and lubricate the body internally. It is essential for keeping the tissues in the body moist. It also keeps dirt, bacteria, dust, airborne allergens and pollen from entering the lungs, as you breathe. Mucus is a compilation of water, salt, carbohydrates, protein, and tissue cells. Since it is made by the mucus membrane, it can be found in most constituents of the body that are discovered to the surrounding, which include the ears, the nostrils, the mouth and lips, to name a few. Mucus is also immediate in the digestive and the respiratory tracts. In fact, the lungs are quite dependent on the presence of mucus, in order to take potential causes of inflammation and infections. When this mucus, that is present in the lungs, gets infectious, it changes color and is expelled from the body, in the form of phlegm. Coughing up phlegm is one of the most common ways of getting rid of it.
Home Remedies for Phlegm
  • You can opt for a number of over-the counter flu medicine or you can try some simple home remedies to get rid of phlegm.
  • Bring a pot of water to the boil and add a spoon of vapor rub to the water. If you don’t like vapor rub, add a handful of mint and eucalyptus leaves to the water. Once the water comes to the boil, remove it from the stove, lean over the pot and inhale the vapor. This loosens the congestion in the sinus cavities and makes it easier to expel the congested phlegm. If you are coughing up phlegm that is extremely thick, you may begin to suffer from congestion and so you can start using this home remedy right away to prevent as well as treat congestion. Using a humidifier during the nights also helps to ease congestion.
  • Honey and pepper are simple phlegm remedies. Mix a pinch of pepper to a spoon of honey and have this mixture twice a day for a week. Another simple measure is to cut a slice of lemon, sprinkle it with salt and pepper, and suck on the lemon slice. This will help to clear the throat easily.
  • A tonic made out of ginger, onion, and sugar is a very effective home remedy for phlegm. You will need to clean and finely chop a small onion. Place this in a bowl along with a teaspoon of grated ginger and two spoons of sugar. Toss the mixture well and then keep it aside for 20 minutes. Sugar is a humectant which means that it helps to draw out the liquid from within the onion and garlic. You will find that the tonic is sweet and does not have the pungent taste and aroma of onions. Onions and garlic are rich in several compounds that act as natural antibiotics. This can also be used as a tonic for phlegm in kids as its sweet taste is quite irresistible to children. This tonic helps to bolster the immune system and thus helps to reduce the severity of the infection. It also helps to increase the fluidity of the phlegm and allows it to be easy released from the body. The tonic also helps to soothe the throat which makes it particularly effective in handling a sore throat.
Diet for Phlegm
  • What you eat and drink has a direct impact on your condition. Eating foods that are rich in vitamins can help boost the immune system, thereby subduing the chances of an infection or the extraordinary production of phlegm. In the case of phlegm, it is great to drink lot of warm fluids like soups and broths. It is also important to drink at least eight glasses of water and juices rich in Vitamin C (like orange juice). The liquids keep the phlegm from hardening and this makes it easier to expel.
  • Include ginger in your diet. It is a natural decongestant and has been used to fight off infections for centuries; ginger eases over-crowding in the throat and chest and allows you to breathe easily. Depending on your preferences you can chew on a raw strip of ginger or consume it in the form of ginger tea.

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