
Symptoms of stomatitis

  • Swollen gums.
  • Hurt in mouth.
  • Ulcers in the mouth, often on the tongue or cheeks — these form after the blister pops.
  • Drooling.
  • Vesicate in the mouth, often on the tongue or cheeks .

Causes of stomatitis

  • Stomatitis may develop from a variety of causes. The most essential cause which leads to this condition are bad running of the stomach and indigestion. Poor oral hygiene and nutritional inadequacies are other main causes of stomatitis. The disease may also result from contagion with Candida albicans (thrush) and infection with Vincent’s Spirochaete (Vincent’s an­gina). It may also be found in blood disease such as leukaemia.
  • The inside of the cheeks and tongue oftentimes develop ulcers 1-5 mm in diameter with a grayish-white base and a reddish perimeter. These ulcers are very painful and cause drooling, difficulty swallowing, and reduction in food intake (although the patient may be hungry).

Natural home remedies for the Treatment of stomatitis

  • The apply of lemon (Bara nimbu). Taking a tablespoon of lemon juice everyday before meals will correct the functioning of the stomach and help cure the condition. The patient should also gargle several times daily with lemon juice combined in water. This gargle can be made by mixing 20 ml of lemon juice in 100 mt of hot water.
  • Effective home remedy for stomatitis is the frequent apply of a mouthwash containing a teaspoon each of salt and baking soda in a glass of warm water. This should be used every two to three hours to keep the mouth as clean as manageable.
  • The apply of alum (phitkari) is also valuable in stomatitis. The patient should gargle with alum diluted in hot water. Concentrated solution of alum may also be applied with the help of a swab on the ulcerated spots.
  • Proper oral hygiene is of utmost importance in the treatment of stomatitis. The patient should carefully brush his teeth and gums so as to remove any foul real. He should also take multi-vitamin tables, especially those. high in vitamin B complex. This aid in recovery.

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